Real-Time Analytics for NServiceBus Powered Systems using Elasticsearch

A few months ago I worked on a nice proof-of-concept showing the capabilities of both the awesome NServiceBus platform (for building SOA type applications easily on .NET and monitoring them), and Elasticsearch + Kibana (for real-time analytics and visual dashboards). I never made that public and maybe it's time to do so...

This basically gives you the ability to plug in Elasticsearch and Kibana dashboards into your NServiceBus-powered system, and visualize in real-time the messages traffic including breakdown of message types, the error queues, endpoints' health etc, and also execute searches on messages - full-text search or exact.

Here's how it looks like when plugged into a live system:

Demo NServiceBus Kibana Dashboard

Full source code and instructions on how to use the thing can be found here:

Please remember this is just a proof-of-concept, a show-case. Meaning, some features are likely to not work properly, and the dashboards are admittedly pretty limited. And as always, no warranties.

Additionally, this is using Kibana 3, which lacks many functionalities. We should probably upgrade it to Kibana 4 soon to get better dashboards. But overall - this looks great if I may say so myself.

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