About me

I'm the CTO and Founder of BigData Boutique, where we help companies and organizations succeed with their Big Data projects. Happy to still be an active developer and a hands-on architect. Over the years I built and maintained several big mission-critical systems and gained a lot of experience I now use to perfect systems built to deal with scale. 

My origins are from the Information Retrieval field - specifically text search and analytics. I've been involved with Lucene and Elasticsearch for over a decade now, solved the challenge of search on Hebrew texts, and improved relevance and performance for too many search systems to remember.

One thing led to another and now my focus is on creating cost-effective, properly-modeled and high performance data platforms: Choosing the right technologies and piecing everything together to creating a fully functioning Data Lake or Data Warehouse - or just a data-rich platform at scale.

I'm a former Microsoft MVP and a seasoned conference speaker. Continuously learning new technologies and experiencing new methodologies first hand. Feel free to reach out!

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