I found your site through and I woul like to thank you very much for this library! You fill the gap in open source for .Net. I really missed this funcionality in so such easy and good way as you provide.
Thank you for example to download and please keep working on this project. Very useful! I'm waiting for next stable release and documentation.
One feature to add to library. Proxy support while .CheckForUpdates()
I didn't get time to check the library yet but I'll try to integrate it tomorrow. I'll leave a feedback. Thanks!
I downloaded this and updated it to .net 4 in the WPF sample and I had to change the sample a bit to make it work. I had to change the UpdateWindow code in MainWindow.xaml.cs to check the Dispatcher for access, and then if it didn't have access then I would use the dispatcher.invoke.
Very nice concept - is this still ongoing? While I certainly understanding not blogging due to time-constraints, I just wanted to know if you still considered this an active project?