Last week work on the second edition of Lucene In Action has been completed, and the book was sent to print. This book, authored by Michael McCandless, Erik Hatcher and Otis Gospodnetić, is hands down the best guide to Lucene, the high-performance search engine library. Whether you are new to it, or...
19 min read
Unfortunately, there is no magic trick for correctly indexing and searching Hebrew texts. Semitic languages like Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic are the hardest to morphologically analyze and disambiguate, and as a result creating a perfect IR solution for them, if at all possible, requires a lot of res...
2 min read
Imagine you are working on a .NET WinForms application, and it has many small user tasks which require you to disable all input controls in your form. What happens if each of those also has quite a lot of possible exit points? returning and re-enabling the GUI in all of them is quite a pain. The fol...